Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kiss me, Baby! wallpaper black and white

Kiss me, Baby! wallpaper black and white

Kiss me, Baby! wallpaper black and white

The pout is a symbol of feminine beauty and many men dream of women like Angelina Jolie and Brigitte Bardot who are famous for their full lips. Like it is with most beautiful things also the pout is something many people desire. And there's something that can help them make their dream of sexy lips come true: Collagen! With plastic surgery the pout is only one injection away. The only problems is that there are slight differences between the Bardot's pout and the collagen-enhanced lips - the latter of them don't look anything like lips anymore but instead look like there's a rubber boat in the middle of your face! There's nobody with lip injections who looks anything like Angelina Jolie but instead they look like bizarre exhibits of a freak show. I've never seen anyone with pumped up lips who looked good with it and I don't understand why women are still getting collagen injections. Their faces look distorted and combined with an overdose of botox and a face lift they look totally deformed like monstrosities in a zombie movie tucked together by Dr. Frankenstein. Just look what collagen can do to a woman like Hunter Tylo (Bold & Beautiful) - she's disfigured now! It's so disgusting and I'm quite sure that some day one of these lips will burst like a water balloon. And then the collagen and blood will be all over the tuxedo of the Russian oligarch millionair who paid for the 'pout'.

Ever wanted to french kiss a rubber boat? As an endless number of women are turning to their docs to get their lips pumped up you have numerous possibilities to experience how it feels to stick your tongue between balloons that are trying to suck you in. Here are some possible candidates I picked for you!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fast Food

fast food restaurants

fast food restaurants

Why do people still eat fast food even though everyone knows how unhealthy it is and that it can make you fat? You eat a complete meal and after one or two hours you're hungry again. So why eat this crap? Isn't food supposed to still your hunger instead of making you hungry again? If you take a burger bun and squeeze it together it has the size of a munchkin, so how is this supposed to fill your stomach? Well maybe it has a sponge effect which is even more disgusting and doesn't last for long. Look at the meat, it's flat and looks like a car rolled over it, how's that supposed to be substantial? The french fries are bathed in fat and so are the chicken nuggets and all the other fried shit. The salad sauce is just like pure fat mixed with sugar and the ham, eggs and cheese in the salad look and taste chemical. Ever looked at the salad, tomato and pickle on a burger? And ever seen the PETA movie about KFC? Aside from the way KFC treats the chickens you just need to look at their food and it makes you vomit! And take a fast food pizza and hold it in a vertical way, the fat will just drip down and you have an oily puddle on your paper plate. Paper plate brings me to the next point! Look at all the unnecessary packaging of the trash food. Everything is in an extra box. Why? And walk by a fast food 'restaurant' - which doesn't deserve to be called restaurant - when they put out the garbage bags. They're just piling up and destroy our environment. Most people just throw their empty boxes and bags on the street which is even worse. They're pigs! Trees are cut off for all this paper waste and the trash they make afterwards pollutes the earth even more! Why can't they serve their shit on porcelain or other washable dishes inside and pack the stuff to go in less boxes? If all fast food places would do that it would make a big impact on the environment and save tons of money. When I was in school there was only one fat kid in each class, now half of a school class is overweight. Why is that you wonder? Because parents are too lazy to cook and instead feed their kids with Trashy Meals and pizza slices. Go into a fast food place and look at the people - at least 70% will be overweight! Why is the US the fatest nation of the world? Because they invented fast food and love stuffing themselves with unhealthy shit (not everyone of course but too many)! Currently the same share of people get sick from being overweight like the ones that get sick from smoking. Experts say in a few years it will be even more than smokers! So stop eating this trash and start thinking about your nutrition!

Fast FoodFast Food
Fast Food
Fast FoodFast Food