Friday, September 24, 2010

Biker Shorts & Leggings

After the awful leggings trend that's been going on for too long already it was inevitable that the next awful relict of past times would be dug out by the fashion industry - the biker short. As if leggings weren't unflattering enough on most of the women wearing them the biker short is even worse. It adapts to every dimple on the thigh and makes almost every leg look like a short tree. I'm so sick of the leggings everywhere, especially of the ones with print and most girls in leggings are insulting my eyes because they don't have the physique to wear them. I'm certain that the biker short won't become as widely accepted but it's bad enough that it's presented to the public as a new cool trend. It's definitely not a cool trend - it should be forbidden to sell biker shorts in any shop that is not selling special cycling gear. Even though you might be blinded by the media right now and considering to get a pair please reconsider and do not support that trash! Go back to trousers and jeans! Well I'm sort of okay with jeggings and leggings that look more like very skinny pants if the person wearing it is slender enough for it. And of course you can wear biker shorts when you're participating at the Tour de France. But with all the doping scandals cycling is so yesterday anyway....