Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oompa Loompa or why being pale has more class

'Hey there Oompa Loompa!' Tan in a tube or other fake tan is the cheapest way to get some colour on your skin and certainly looks like that. Whether you spray it on, rub it in or frequent the tanning booth daily you'll always look a splotched carrot. And if you have dimples you must be careful that people don't confuse your butt with an oversized orange. Look at all these people who spent too much time in a tanning booth! They all look like their skin is wizened leather. Of course fake tan is cheaper than going on vacation but that's why it's mostly used by cheap people you don't want to be associated with. So please stay away from it and save the money you wanted to invest in a bottle of fake tan for a nice trip to the south. These days it's like in the past centuries again when being pale meant having class. If you look at all the orange tanned bimbos and bimbettes you'll understand what I'm talking about.